My favorite gadget
Hi friends! Today i´m going to talk about my favorite piece of technology. In my case, my favorite technology device is de camera. Always I'm taking photos of animals for the most part of the time. The camera consists of different parts, for example, a lens, a viewfinder, a sensor, etc. The first semi-professional camera use is from my older brother. The most part of the time I use the camera in my holidays or when I travel. I carry the camera in its case. The main lens has the protection that can be removed when I need to take a photo. I try to use the camera in a safe place. I love the camera because I like to have memories of important moments or every moment. I always take pictures of cats when I´m walking on the street. Life without a camera would be sad because the memory is very fragile but when we have a photo of the moment that is important, always I can remember.